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The main industries in Argentina

by | Mar 28, 2023

Argentina is a very heterogeneous country in terms of geography, climate, and soil type. It is also very diverse in terms of production. Industries in Argentina are extensive and cover activities of all kinds. Some productive activities include food (agricultural, fishing, dairy, wine, and food processing), forestry, mineral origin (mining, steel, refineries, oil, and gas), and electronics, among many others. This post will discuss the leading industries in Argentina, what they consist of, and in which areas they are developed.

Argentine national industry

Argentina’s national industry is essential for the growth of the country and is one of the most important in South America. It is characterized by the transformation of raw materials into finished products for direct consumption or intermediate products to be later applied in other industries. This is due to the wealth of natural resources that is characteristic of Argentina, which allows the extraction of a great diversity of raw materials.

In a word, the distinctive feature of Argentine industry is the value chain that characterizes it. Different actors are involved in production to obtain final products.

Principal industries in Argentina

Automotive Industry

Argentina’s automobile industry is an important sector of the country’s economy. The industry began in the early 20th century and is one of the largest in Latin America. The leading manufacturers in Argentina include General Motors, Ford, Volkswagen, Renault, Toyota, and Fiat, among others.

The Argentine automotive industry produces a wide range of vehicles, including cars, trucks, buses, and motorcycles. The industry has benefited from significant government support, including tax incentives and subsidies for both manufacturers and consumers. In addition to producing vehicles for the domestic market, the Argentine automobile industry also exports to other countries in the region and beyond.

Food industry

The food industry is one of the primary industries in Argentina, if not the most important. The food industry is what distinguishes the country for its quality and innovation. It covers the following industrial sectors: agriculture, livestock, fishing, food, and beverages.

In the agricultural industrial sector, cereals, oilseeds, fruits, and vegetable production stands out. In addition to this, Argentina produces sugar, grains, and tobacco crops. Livestock farming focuses mainly on beef, although lamb and pork are also produced, while the fishing industry is highly developed thanks to Argentina’s long Atlantic Ocean coastline.

Pharmaceutical industry

The pharmaceutical industry is also one of the most critical industries in Argentina. Almost 70% of the industry is domestic. More than half of the drugs for internal use by the country’s citizens are produced by Argentine companies. Although Argentina receives imports of medicines that are not manufactured locally, the sector also exports. Significant investments have been and are being made in the pharmaceutical industry for biotechnological and bioengineering development.

Oil and mineral industry

The oil industry is one of the leading industries in Argentina. This is due to the large amount of oil and mineral reserves that the Argentine soil possesses for the production of fuel and natural gas.

This sector requires significant economic investments for its development and safe exploitation. It also requires specialized labor and large-scale, heavy machinery.

Main industrial areas of Argentina

The main industrial areas of Argentina are located throughout the country. To a large extent, it depends on the sector and the activity carried out in the region. The prominent locations of industries in Argentina are considered below:

Cuyo Industries

The Cuyo region is made up of the provinces of San Luis, San Juan, and Mendoza.

There, viniculture for wine production is dominant. The wines produced in the Cuyo region are internationally renowned and are intended for both domestic and foreign consumption. The wine industry is principally concentrated in the provinces of San Juan and Mendoza.

The region is also known for its fruit and vegetable agroindustry and processed food products.

Patagonian Industries

Argentine Patagonia is made up of the provinces of Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz, Chubut, Neuquén, and Río Negro.

As for the food industry, this region produces the so-called “fine fruits,” or forest fruits, and cattle and sheep farming. The province of Río Negro is the leading producer of pears and apples in the country. Part of the production is intended for the preparation of food and beverages, as well as for export.

Most of the oil industry is found in this region, especially in the province of Neuquén. Tierra del Fuego is home to a large part of the country’s industrial electronics factories and the fishing industry, thus positioning Ushuaia and Río Grande among Argentina’s most important industrial cities.

Industries of the Northeast or Mesopotamia

The provinces that make up the Argentine Northeast are Misiones, Corrientes, and the north of Entre Ríos.

The region’s food industry is dedicated to the production of rice, tobacco, sugar cane, cassava, and citrus. In addition, cotton for use in the country’s textile industry is produced in this region.

Northwest Industries in Argentina

The Argentine Northwest, which is the NOA by its Spanish acronym, includes the provinces of Tucumán, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Catamarca, Jujuy, and La Rioja.

Agroindustry is also developed in this region. The Northwest harvests sugar cane, tobacco, vegetables, fruits, and spice crops. In addition, the province of Salta is home to part of the country’s petrochemical industry, with its oil and lithium distilleries.

Industries of the Pampas Zone

The Pampas region covers the provinces of Córdoba, La Pampa, Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, and part of Entre Ríos.

This area is part of the sectors that develop agroindustry and livestock. It is where oilseeds, cereals, and grains are produced and where manufacturers of vegetable and animal products are produced. The meat processing, dairy, and fishing industries are also present in the region. Córdoba and Buenos Aires provinces also have a large concentration of the clothing and textile industry. The forest industry and paper production are also carried out in Santa Fe and Buenos Aires. Factories in Buenos Aires concentrate a large part of the industries in Argentina.

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